
Ms. Purva Bhutani, L&T Limited
“The trainer had excellent understanding of competency based HRM and explained the concept with practical examples. The workshop had a very application focus and simple explanations for a complicated subject. Every HR professional must attend this training.”

Mr. Pritin Soni, Cipla Limited
“The workshop gave a comprehensive perspective on Competency Mapping. It also explained importance of Competency Framework and its relationship with Organization Strategy. I have learnt that Competency Frameworks are not just for HR team, but even Senior Managers would definitely benefit from this training program.” 

Ms. Payal Katariya, Arihant Pharmacon
“The best thing about the workshop was the trainer's enthusiasm. I also liked the knowledge of trainer, the awareness about emotional intelligence and the videos. Lots of learnings - starting from self, then at home and then at workplace. This was an excellent training program.”

Mr. Apurva Sanaria, IMRB International
“It was a very practical and good workshop! Changed my understanding and appreciation for Emotional Intelligence (EI). Very knowledgeable trainer, thorough content, and practical exercises made it one of the best training programs I have attended.

Ms. Kiran Adodara, Software Entrepreneur

“The training program was very self-motivative. It helped to drive away the negativity from us. Taught to live in the present. I learnt to control our anxiety and stress.

Mr. Gaurav Bansal, MBA Student
“The ability of the training program to look inwards and change oneself, along with the understanding of higher purpose of life. The trainer is definitely a great communicator and teacher and I thank him heartily.”

Ace Business Consultants



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