Training on Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage (KMCA)

Sunday, 20th May 2012, 10 AM - 5 PM at Hotel Orbett, 1238/2, Apte Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune



This workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of Knowledge Management. It orients the participants towards Knowledge Management as a change initiative, and further evolving a Learning Organization. The impact of the Knowledge on businesses and organizations are presented and relevant practical scenarios are analyzed. The primary focus of the workshop is on KM processes and implementation issues and KM strategies in organization.

Participants are advised to go through the two pre-readings (shared after registration) which would help them understand the broader context and criticality of Knowledge in the Organizations, Competitive Advantage, and Change Management. These readings also enunciate the process involved through these concepts, resulting into a better understanding of the overall context.


Exercises, Video Films, Case Studies, Presentations, Management Games, etc.



Prof. Chaturvedi has been into teaching and research for the last several years. He has worked with organizations like ZenSar Technologies, Tata Chemicals, & Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow to name a few. His case studies have been part of curriculum at IIM Lucknow. He was responsible for research and academics at Global Education Services at ZenSar. He has driven Knowledge Management (KM) at the Rs 6500 Cr Tata Chemicals Ltd managing KM Operations for its key SBU. He was involved in developing KM solutions and writing case studies in Knowledge Management practices in various organizations at IIM Lucknow. Some of these cases have been published in highly-reputed journals. He brings with him deep knowledge of KM technology platforms and hands-on experience in implementing such solutions. As a consultant, he has formulated KM strategies for many clients successfully. Knowledge being a critical organizational asset and he has been instrumental in making it a focused Organizational Development area within Tata Chemicals.

He has been a consultant to large corporations like Tata Motors and to a few SMEs. He has been able to help some of these firms achieve a growth of more than 400% over the years. Prof Tarun has extensive exposure as a faculty in national-level workshops and MDPs in the areas of Knowledge and Information Management. He’s currently pursuing Fellowship Program in Management in Organizational Behavior from XLRI, Jamshedpur.

  • Knowledge of KM processes in Organizations
  • Case studies of organizations that have been able to achieve excellence using KM
  • How organizations can develop KM strategy and architecture



All levels of Executives, Officers and Managers from different functions who have interests in Knowledge Management (KM) in organization, and especially focuses needs of those who typically have responsibilities for it. But considering managerial responsibilities today, any manager would have KM responsibilities embedded. The Highly informative and interactive training will enhance both professional and personal excellence. Owing to the nature of discussions in the workshop, ideal participants need to have an understanding of how organizations work, and collaborate within.



Session Details *






1. Introduction

Introduction to the Workshop, Context setting

2. Knowledge and its Types, and sources

Tacit and Explicit Knowledge.

Tacit Knowledge, a key ingredient of Organizational Knowledge.

Role and Importance of knowledge in the Global business context

Formal and Informal Knowledge

Intellectual Property

3. Sources of Knowledge

External and Internal and hybrid

Customer interactions

Competitive intelligence

Product, Process and materials

Technology scan

Employee generated knowledge – R & D etc.

4. Communities of Practice

Concept, Process, Benefits

Designing a CoP led intiative

5. Knowledge Sharing Culture

Right ingredients, and right flavor for successful KM implementation

KM as Change initiative

KM Evangelists as change agent.

6. Case Studies

Mckinsey, and NASA

7. Future of KM

Knowledge as part of Strategy

 * The session plan is indicative and the sequence mentioned may not necessarily be followed.

Ace Business Consultants



Past Training Pics
